#CarmelAdvent–Week 1, Hope in His Mercy

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Read the quote above
Quiet yourself for a few moments
Focus on your breathing
Breathe in slowly and deeply
As you exhale, quietly say to yourself “Lord, have mercy”
Repeat 3 times
Read the quote again slowly and silently, repeat if necessary
Reflect for a few minutes on the question: “Where do I find hope”

What does “Advent Hope” mean to you? Share your reflections with the community on any of our online media platforms (comment below on Carmelites.net, Facebook, Twitter etc). Please use any of these hashtags in your comments–#CarmelAdvent, #CarmelHope, #CarmelPrays. We will compile the best reflections from the community and add them to our honor roll each week.

Lighting the Advent Candle
A short prayer may accompany the lighting.

Gather around the Advent Wreath

All: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

 we remember the promise of your Son. 
As the light from this candle,
 may the blessing of Christ come upon us,
 brightening our way
 and guiding us by his truth.
 May Christ our Savior bring life
 into the darkness of our world, 
and to us, as we wait for his coming. 
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

FIRST WEEK: The Prophets’ Candle – The Candle of HOPE
The first candle is sometimes called the candle of prophecy because it symbolizes the promises the prophets delivered as messages from God; promises that foretold Christ’s birth. Others consider the candle to be a symbol of the hope we have in Christ and so it is called the Hope candle.

Then the first candle is lit. If you don’t have a candle, we invite you to use the candle-lighting video here:

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