Find Your Tree

Thursday, October 27th, 2016

I’ve always loved this one. This Sunday’s Gospel tells the story of Zacchaeus, a man whose eagerness jumps right off the page. On some level this is a sort of standard story of Christ. Along his way Jesus encounters some sort of sinner (this time a tax collector) and the person is so transformed they change their life. What makes this story so rich is its details. We learn more about Zacchaeus than we do of many of Christ’s first followers.  For instance, we know his name. The Gospel writers will oftentimes just say “a man” or “ten lepers.” Next, we know that he was “short in stature,” a great little detail. And, we know his past — he’s swindled people, he’s a tax collector, but he is a go-getter which must say a lot about his personality. He jumps on that tree to get the Lord’s attention!

In my imagination our Lord is smiling at him and thinking Can you believe this guy? He immediately opens to him, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house.” Sometimes in conversion we think God does all the work, and certainly He does, but Zacchaeus finds that tree and is an active participant in the changing of his life, not a passive partaker.

I’ve often focused on the need to help each other — that is important and imperative —  but the need to help others must always be connected with our personal responsibility, our initiative to change others must begin with a desire to change ourselves. Paul Ellie, the Catholic intellectual says, “The life we save will be our own.” So this weekend I know I have to start breaking some bad habits that I see coming back. I pray for the Lord to accept me.  I just got to find my tree to get in His way.

I’ll be seeing you,


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