Easter Examples

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

This weekend’s readings are all about sharing the news of Christ. If in Lent we are called to turn inward, to self reflect and contemplate, then the Easter season is a season of evangelizing, sharing and serving in an outward fashion.  Admittedly, I can be a little weary of the evangelical call to convert others, but I think the point of Peter’s public profession and Jesus revealing himself on the road to Emmaus is that conversion is about giving people an example that they themselves wish to follow. “They will know we are Christians by our love…” goes the old children’s song. Saint Francis commands us to “Preach the Gospel at all times, use words when necessary.” What a powerful reminder that it is by our example of love and service to others that people will be evangelized in the world.

It is no easy task. As the only practicing Catholic on my in-laws’ side of the family, it is difficult to be a constant example of sincere Catholicism, but I try to be an example of progressive love through beloved tradition, to explain and act in the manner in which I can make my Church proud. That means showing them the importance of going to Mass—even on vacation—and behaving in a way that maybe one day they can say Wow, my thoughts on Catholicism aren’t what I thought. We can do this through service and heavy-browed prayer or we can celebrate the Lord sincerely.

Father Dan said something during our Lenten Mission that had a profound impact on me. He says our “call to holiness” is really a “call to happiness.” How true that seems to be! So I suppose if we can be a joyful, resurrected people, if we can be examples of Easter to all, then “they will know we are Christians by our happiness.” That sounds awesome!  Happy Easter.

I’ll be seeing you,


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