Novena Prayer

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel gives us an opportunity to show our love and gratitude to Mary for her continued guidance and protection. We will be praying this special prayer for nine consecutive days from July 14th through July 22nd.

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

O Most Holy Mary of Mount Carmel,

pray for me.

You watch over those who follow the Gospel of

your Son with a mother’s loving care.

Look now upon me and cover me

with the embrace of your special protection.

Strengthen me when I am weak.

Enlighten the darkness of my mind

with your wisdom.

Increase in me the virtues of

faith, hope and charity.

As you fulfilled all of our hopes and dreams

as members of the Church,

help me now to show forth the love of
Jesus in my life.

O Mother of Carmel,

Comfort and protect me all the days of my life.



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