Office of Concern

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

The Office of Concern monthly food collection is this weekend. The Office of Concern is also gearing up for their annual Thanksgiving food collection of non-perishable items. Non-perishable items needed are: gravy, dried potatoes, canned yams, stuffing mix, rice, canned vegetables (baked beans, peas, green beans, corn), canned fruit, cranberry sauce, pasta, canned or bottled fruit juices. Donations can be dropped off in the elevator lobby. Please see the flyer is today’s bulletin.

Of all the gifts that God gives us the one He wants the most is our heart. He wants us to share out of love, not out of obligation. Using our talent in parish ministry and contributing money to support our parish mission is important, but it’s more important to spend time in prayer with God daily and discern how He is calling us to be generous with all of our gifts. Not just the visible ones, but the invisible ones like love, mercy and forgiveness.

Source: Archdiocese of Newark

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