Religious Education News

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

Dear Friends,

Sr. Regina Chassar, SSJ

We associate the month of October with the beginning of the autumn season and the harvest time. The image of the harvest is one that can be used with children and help them understand the beauty of our Catholic faith community. One way to do this is to share with your child the parish bulletin.

The parish bulletin offers information about liturgies, outreach activities and organizations in the parish, and prayer requests. Perhaps you will notice in the bulletin an opportunity for your family to increase the harvest by participating in special events or joining in community outreach activities.

In a few weeks, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Give your child a special gift that will be long treasured: make sure your child knows who his or her patron saint is. If your child doesn’t have a patron saint, help him or her choose one.Saints inspire us to live a life of holiness.

There are many saints who are celebrated in October: St. Therese of the Child Jesus, The Holy Guardian Angels, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Luke, St. Teresa of Jesus, St. Anthony Mary Claret just to mention a few.

Let us celebrate the harvest and the Saints of God.

Blessings and thanks,

Sister Regina Chassar, ssj

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