Lyrics for Sunday Mass

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 19, 2021


Save Us, O Lord

Refrain: Save us, O Lord; carry us back. Rouse your power and come.

Rescue your people; show us your face. Bring us back.


O Shepherd of Israel, hear us. Return and we shall be saved.

Arise, O Lord; hear our cries, O Lord: bring us back. Ref.


How long will you hide from your people? We long to see your face.

Give ear to us. Draw near to us, Lord God of hosts. Ref.


The Summons

Will you come and follow me
If I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know
And never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
Will you let my name be known,
Will you let my life be grown
In you and you in me?

Will you leave yourself behind
If I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind
And never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
Should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer
In you and you in me?

Will you let the blinded see
If I but call your name?
Will you set the prisoners free
And never be the same?
Will you kiss the leper clean,
And do such as this unseen,
And admit to what I mean
In you and you in me?


Take and Eat

Refrain: Take and eat; take and eat: this is my body given up for you.

Take and drink; take and drink: this is my blood given up for you.


I am the Word that spoke and light was made; I am the seed that died to be reborn;

I am the bread that comes from heaven above; I am the vine that fills your cup with joy. Ref.


I am the way that leads the exile home; I am the truth that sets the captive free;

I am the life that raises up the dead; I am your peace, true peace I give to you. Ref.


I am the Lamb that takes away your sin; I am the gate that guards you night and day;

You are my flock: you know the shepherd’s voice; you are my own: your ransom is my blood. Ref.


I am the cornerstone that God has laid; a chosen stone and precious in his eyes;

You are God’s dwelling place, on me you rest; like living stones, a temple for God’s praise. Ref.


Take the Word of God with You

Take the word of God with you as you go.

Take the seeds of God’s word and make them grow.


Refrain: Go in peace to serve the world, in peace to serve the world.

Take the love of God, the love of God with you as you go.


Take the peace of God with you as you go.

Take the seeds of God’s peace and make them grow. Ref.


Take the joy of God with you as you go.

Take the seeds of God’s joy and make them grow. Ref.


Take the love of God with you as you go.

Take the seeds of God’s love and make them grow. Ref.

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