One Thing I Do Know

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

So a second time they called the man who had been blind and said to him, “Give God the praise! We know that this man is a sinner.” He replied, “If he is a sinner, I do not know. One thing I do know is that I was blind and now I see.” John 9:24-25

This is my favorite Bible quote of all time. This is it. The one I recite when I feel I can’t go on, when I’m tired, when that student is pushing all those buttons, when I am joyful. What I love about this quote is the speaker’s brutal honesty and it confirms not only his faith, but also his real life experience. Remember, this poor man who was blind and seemingly forgotten by society was a normal man in the morning and now after meeting Jesus was sent to speak to the authorities twice, and once in front of his parents when asked embarrassing questions about their “sins,” so you can imagine his frustration and his frankness.

If I can be as honest as the former blind man, I would have to confirm his doubts. I don’t know if I agree with everything my Church teaches. I pray and trust in my Church’s authority, but I don’t know if my devotions are “good enough.” I don’t know if I have the discipline to not judge others and serve all the people I meet. I don’t know if I can be an inspiring teacher every day or a humbled husband and father, but I do know one thing.  I know I am not the child who, while his behavior was understandable, it was never excusable.  I know I am no longer the young man whose selfishness gave excuses for his shortcomings. I know that I am exhilarated by a God who cherishes me, a woman and family who loves me, and a community that has embraced me.

Of course, great responsibility comes with the ability to truly “see” a theme Jesus uses often (more on that in coming weeks), but right now, let us be like the blind man and realize that we can see and, like the blind man, hopefully when we open our eyes the first thing we see, the first thing we focus on, is the face of our loving Savior.

This Lent let us be encouraged. Perhaps, if you’re like me, you didn’t do all things you promised yourself or others. If you’re like me, the week seemed so planned out on Monday and seemed to spin out of control by Tuesday. I’m not the best Catholic, fiancé, co-worker, or brother, but “the one thing I do know,” the one thing I am sure of, as certain as the sun rises, is “I was blind and now I see.” Have a blessed week.

I’ll be seeing you,


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