Scenes From A Catholic Gift Shop

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

I guess it had to be Easter. This week we at Our Lady of Mount Carmel were honored to host the Funeral Mass of the beloved (and legendary) Sr. Trinity Kenny, MFIC. The emotional outpouring of love was such a sign of our faith, so beautiful, so… well,  Easter. The Lord’s resurrection was powerfully displayed as we celebrated the life of one of the most kind and larger than life figures. Larger than life, yes. Even though she was a slight nun from Ireland, she held court in her gift shop on Knickerbocker Road. I’ll share my Sister Trinity story, we all seem to have a couple.

My mother would often visit her around the holidays and pick up different items. My mother could make friends with a bag of rocks to quote my sister, so I have no doubt she bent Sister Trinity’s ear on every visit. Sister must’ve been patient.  When my Puerto Rican, Protestant cousin bravely fought in three tours in Iraq his name was on her prayer tree. A wonderful day was when he visited us after his honorable and decorated discharge and visited that “little Catholic nun” (how he would describe her) and thank her for the prayers. I would see Sister Trinity from time to time at the parish or if I was visiting the Franciscan convent, about once a year. The last time I saw Sister Trinity I was in the gift shop looking for some St. Gerard medals for my sister-in-law and the store was empty. We chatted for a few minutes and somehow, though it had been easily a couple of years since I had last seen her, she knew everything!   I never knew her well, but boy, did she know me. She asked me about my niece (how did she know I had a niece?) and how my wedding planning was going (what?) and do I still direct plays? and so on. She thanked me, imagine that — thanked me — before I left the store. Well Sister Trinity, THANK YOU and we thank our Savior for the gift of you.

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Godspeed and safe travels, Sister Trinity. I hope mom doesn’t bend your ear too much.

I’ll be seeing you,


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