May Newsletter

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Dear Friends,

As we begin the month of May, I look back over the year and ponder some of the

highlights and events that we have all experienced. The students in the Religious Education Program have gathered each week for instruction in the Roman Catholic Faith. The catechists who instruct the students are dedicated and have shared their faith with the students throughout the year. We are most grateful for the dedicated catechists that serve in the Religious Education Program.

As we move into the summer months and vacation time, let us remember that we don’t take a vacation from God. In the months ahead when your child is not attending a religious education class, you will have the responsibility and countless occasions to live and share the teachings of Jesus. Each day gives us opportunities to grow in faith, particularly when we share the Eucharist with them at Mass each week.

It is my prayer for you and your family that the summer months are times of faith, family and relaxation. May Mary the Mother of the Church and the Church’s greatest saint be a model for all of us to imitate. Holy Mary, pray for us.

Blessing and thanks,

Sister Regina M. Chassar, ssj

Director of Religious Education

Please note:

  • Last Religious Education class is: Sunday, May 7th and Tuesday, May 9th.
  • May 13th– Join the parish community as they launch the 150th anniversary of OLMC,
  • Re-registration for the classes in the Fall will be mailed sometime in late June early July.
  • Please consider volunteering in the Religious Education Program.


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