This Week’s Gospel Message

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

This week’s Gospel message for Sunday, July 30th is from Matthew 13:44-52.

Jesus said to his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”


“Imagine a world where everyone cared for even the least of their brothers and sisters, a world without want because everyone would be willing to provide for anyone in need. . .This is what Jesus is getting at in today’s Gospel. This is the kingdom of God. It is like a buried treasure or a priceless pearl in that it is worth all that a person has. Given the choice between everything they own and this one object, each person in the Gospel chooses the treasure.” SOURCE: Pastoral Patterns, Summer 2023


Monday Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34; Matthew 13:31-35

Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest (Memorial) – “Saint Ignatius of Loyola ministered to the poor and sick and had mystical experiences that formed the basis of his book of Spiritual Exercises. He earned a masters degree from the University of Paris. There he gathered other students for service to Jesus. After ordination the group went to Rome, where they became the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.”

Tuesday Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Matthew 13:36-43

Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Memorial) – “Saint Alphonsus Liguori was a lawyer and later decided to become a priest and later became a bishop. He founded an order of missionary priests that became the Redemptorists. He was widely sought as a preacher and confessor, and his famous book Moral Theology linked his keen legal mind with his kindness and concern for others.”

Wednesday Exodus 34:29-35; Matthew 13:44-46

Thursday Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38; Matthew 13:47-53           

Friday Leviticus 23:1,4-11,15-16,27,34b-37; Matthew 13:54-58

Saint John Vianney, Priest (Memorial) – “He was renowned as a confessor that hundreds visited daily. He heard confessions for twelve to sixteen hours a day and gave a short lesson each morning.”           

Saturday Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Matthew 14:1-12

SOURCE: Living with Christ, July 2023 and August 2023

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