This Week’s Gospel Message

Thursday, October 5th, 2023

This week’s Gospel message for Sunday, October 8th is from Matthew 21:33-43.

Jesus said to [the chief priests], ‘Did you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes? Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.’


“It must have been a beautiful vineyard. Impressively built and expensively furnished, it attracted tenants who wanted the finer things in life. They saw the vineyard and they envied its owner. They probably felt that they deserved it and its bountiful harvest. After all, they had worked all year while the owner traveled far and wide. Who did this absentee owner and lowly servants think they were to take away all that they had produced? They wanted it all for themselves. So they fought to keep it and their greed drove them to murder. Their desire to possess what was never truly theirs prevented them from finding joy in living in the beautiful vineyard. The kingdom of God will be taken from the greedy and given to the generous.” SOURCE: Pastoral Patterns, Autumn 2023


Monday Jonah 1:1—2:2, 11; Luke 10:25-37

Tuesday Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 10:38-42

Wednesday Jonah 4:1-11; Luke 11:1-4

Thursday Malachi 3:13-20b; Luke 11:5-13

Friday Joel 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Luke 11:15-26

Saturday Joel 4:12-21; Luke 11:27-28

SOURCE: Living with Christ, October 2023

Then the LORD All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child. Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong. Malachi 3:17-18

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