An adult is trained to assist the priest at a funeral Mass. Responsibilities include: being a cross bearer in the entrance procession, preparing for the incensing rite, carrying the holy water for the final blessing and doing clean up. This service is needed intermittently throughout the year and takes one hour.
Beginning in grade 4, children are eligible to assist the priest during Masses on weekends and Holy Days. Altar Servers are scheduled on a rotating basis. The Mass assignments are done according to the servers preference. Training is provided for this ministry. Students interested in this ministry are encouraged to contact Sister Regina at [email protected] or 201-871-4662.
Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during parish weekend Masses, approximately once or twice a month. Training for this ministry, which takes about two hours, is required. Prior to commencing service, new ministers are commissioned at a Sunday Mass. In addition to serving at Mass, designated ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick/local nursing homes on a weekly basis. Special training, which takes approximately one hour, is provided for this ministry.
This ministry involves proclaiming the two scripture readings at Mass which precede the Gospel as well as the Universal Prayer after the homily. Lectors are scheduled to serve at the various Masses approximately once a month. Additional time is required to study, reflect on and practice the readings ahead of time. Prospective lectors are required to attend a training session which takes about two hours. Lectors are commissioned to serve in their special ministry during a weekend liturgy.
Ushers serve as ministers of hospitality of the parish. By extending a warm greeting, people are made to feel welcome as they enter and leave the church. In addition, ushers provide for the comfort of the congregation during a given service. This includes helping people find seats, especially those people with special needs. Ushers also guide the assembly during processions, including Communion, and they take up a collection as well as distribute the parish bulletin. The service of ushers ensures the safety of the congregation and the smooth flow of parish celebrations. An usher offers approximately one hour of service to the parish per week.